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Thread: Twenty Years On...

  1. #331
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Seems Putin just explained the who and why of the explosions.
    Congratulations America

  2. #332
    New dreams of gold mixed with chaos of old
    Should at last be as one in my hands
    Alliance abounds but how heavy the crown
    That unites the devote of these lands

  3. #333
    Quote Originally Posted by Steely Glint View Post
    Russia unilaterally withdraws from Kherson to the left bank of the Dnieper.
    Also, Kirill Stremousov, the Moscow-appointed head of the Kherson region, has died in a car crash. He had previously commented on chance of Kherson returning under Ukrainian control using the phrase "over my dead body". There are some things that the Russians do manage to get done as planned, apparently.
    Carthāgō dēlenda est

  4. #334
    Seems like they're making the US withdraw from Afghanistan look organised and well thought though.
    New dreams of gold mixed with chaos of old
    Should at last be as one in my hands
    Alliance abounds but how heavy the crown
    That unites the devote of these lands

  5. #335
    New dreams of gold mixed with chaos of old
    Should at last be as one in my hands
    Alliance abounds but how heavy the crown
    That unites the devote of these lands

  6. #336
    The scary part is, I doubt the response will be powerful enough.
    Carthāgō dēlenda est

  7. #337
    It's not confirmed they were Russian yet.
    New dreams of gold mixed with chaos of old
    Should at last be as one in my hands
    Alliance abounds but how heavy the crown
    That unites the devote of these lands

  8. #338
    I'd be really surprised if they turn out not to be; the Polish/Ukrainian border regions are relatively peaceful, so there are no targets for the Ukrainians to fire missiles at. I believe the real question is - was the Polish territory struck as a result of piss-poor targeting or missile malfunction, or was the missile damaged/deviated from the intended target by Ukrainian attempts to intercept it.
    Carthāgō dēlenda est

  9. #339
    It's quite possible that they were Ukrainian S-300 missiles trying to defend Lviv from a Russian cruise missile attack. If they were launched from a site somewhere to the south of the city, there's a plausible flight path to the impact site in Poland.

    Also, earlier I watched the BBC headline change from 'Reports: Poland struck by Russian missiles' to 'Missiles land in Poland', which indicates some backpaddling is being done.
    Last edited by Steely Glint; 11-16-2022 at 12:00 AM.
    New dreams of gold mixed with chaos of old
    Should at last be as one in my hands
    Alliance abounds but how heavy the crown
    That unites the devote of these lands

  10. #340
    Yeah, that appears to be the most likely version as of this morning.
    Carthāgō dēlenda est

  11. #341
    A new tidbit on Russia's air-ineffectiveness early on. They had to massively scale back their EW efforts (which meant they couldn't do much to protect their aircraft) because it was hampering their own forces even worse than it was the Ukrainians.
    Last night as I lay in bed, looking up at the stars, I thought, “Where the hell is my ceiling?"

  12. #342
    ok the wagners are fighting the other russians now
    New dreams of gold mixed with chaos of old
    Should at last be as one in my hands
    Alliance abounds but how heavy the crown
    That unites the devote of these lands

  13. #343
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Oh, are we going to see a coup attempt next?
    Congratulations America

  14. #344
    everyone's on tender hooks
    New dreams of gold mixed with chaos of old
    Should at last be as one in my hands
    Alliance abounds but how heavy the crown
    That unites the devote of these lands

  15. #345
    Quote Originally Posted by Steely Glint View Post
    ok the wagners are fighting the other russians now
    I sincerely hope that this actually happens, but no actual shots fired as of yet.
    Carthāgō dēlenda est

  16. #346
    Quote Originally Posted by BalticSailor View Post
    I sincerely hope that this actually happens, but no actual shots fired as of yet.
    depends on who you believe
    New dreams of gold mixed with chaos of old
    Should at last be as one in my hands
    Alliance abounds but how heavy the crown
    That unites the devote of these lands

  17. #347
    Quote Originally Posted by Steely Glint View Post
    depends on who you believe
    The video of the "base destroyed by Russian army rocket strike" looks kinda staged. The only other claim I've heard is one of a downed army helicopter, and that one comes from Prigozhin, too. Nothing from other sources as far as I've seen.
    Carthāgō dēlenda est

  18. #348
    Lost in the coverage of the lolcoup: Blumenthal and Graham pitch bipartisan resolution to invoke NATO art. 5 in the event of nuclear plant shenanigans:
    "One day, we shall die. All the other days, we shall live."

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