Q4 Fundraising numbers are coming in. Still waiting on Biden and Warren, but extrapolating from earlier numbers it looks like Mayor Pete may have beat them both.

Bernie Sanders - $34.5M
Pete Buttigieg - $24.7M
Andrew Yang - $16.5M

If I ever redo my power rankings, I think I'll have to move Sanders to the top. Lots of guesswork here, but I'm expecting Warren to land around $20-23M, and Biden at around $18-20M. It's going to be embarrassing for Biden's campaign if he didn't beat Yang's numbers when he has 6x the polling numbers. Hopefully having the first debate he didn't fuck up boosted his fundraising numbers.

Steyer and Bloomberg are of course still billionaires, and don't need to appeal to the masses to fund their campaigns. I guess Klobuchar is still around too, but I don't know why.