Quote Originally Posted by Loki View Post
Back when Alex was injured, I actually mentioned the possibility to my mother. We agreed that it would be a heartless thing to do to bring Colin in to replace poor Alex on two different teams.
His stats, even in his worst year, were better than those of a number of other 1st string QBs, much less the 2nd stringers. Not as good as they should have been but good enough.

As for this guy, yes, he won a tournament. So? Look at some of the problems with how the system works. Last year's world champion got dumped completely out of the bracket by this tournament but despite being relegated can (and quite probably will) still take WC this year. The basic RNG in the system means winning like this doesn't tell us much about their skill. Consistency in performance shows that better though it's not rewarded as well And (until this brouhaha stripped it from him) this tournament was only the second time your guy has had an overall winning record since LAST October. I don't follow the Hearthstone scene much (I prefer Overwatch) but I don't think you do either (and you certainly don't begin to understand it even if you do try and follow it). You certainly don't follow the football scene all that well.