I'm curious as to how y'all view this incredibly broad issue.

Abortion: Should the state have the right to protect the unborn child forcibly? IE criminalized abortion. At what point (if any) is it acceptable. 3 months in? a day before birth?

Vaccination: Should the state have the right to mandate forced vaccination? Is less extreme action acceptable (not allowing kids or young adults in schools and college campuses w/o vaccinations)

Euthanasia: Should the state have the right to prevent people from opting for physician assisted suicide?

Organ donation: Should the state mandate organ donation? Should it create incentives for those who volunteer?

DUI forced testing: Should the state be allowed to forcibly analyze blood alcohol levels?

Paternity testing: Should the state be allowed to require (typically in custody and child support situations) paternity testing as part of court proceedings?

Drug Usage: Should the state have the right to ban use of substances (tobacco, alcohol, mild drugs, hard drugs)

Food Usage: Should the state have the right to ban unhealthy foods or tax them at higher amounts to curb their behavior (soda tax)

I'm really curious if there is a consistent stance among these items and how someone approaches each one of them. Is there an underlying principal you have that helps you sort out what you think is acceptable, or do you just go with what feels right? I also want to get away from any legal discussions on what the law is now, would prefer to see where everyone thinks the line *should* be drawn.