And now Hurricane Michael. So much damage and destruction!

Forget that President Trump was holding political pep rallies or Kanye West luncheons in the oval office while parts of the coastal US (and Trump's own "base") was being wiped off the map....

I'd like to know how we proceed from here. While everyone sympathizes with folks who have lost loved ones, plus their homes, businesses, and possessions, just saying "rebuild" smacks of delusion. Isn't it ironic and hypocritical that low-tax "red" states don't want federal meddling but expect federal disaster dollars?

I don't mind paying taxes for national infrastructure or disaster preparedness, but it really irks me when it's spent in the aftermath of people who didn't heed mandatory evacuation orders, or local zoning that permitted mobile homes or other shoddy construction in the first place. Seriously. Coastal living shouldn't just be for the rich and famous, but there's got to be a better way than what we're doing now. And it's only going to get harder if we keep ignoring climate science.