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Thread: Zionuts

  1. #1801
    Quote Originally Posted by LittleFuzzy View Post
    You can't take anything credibly, accurate or inaccurate. Just a walking ball of prejudice and vitriol.

    No one changes their position or dedicates more support to a side because someone said "screw them both." People get driven to support Israel by belligerent shits like you. Not that you care. You're not trying to change any hearts or minds. You just want to spew hate. Makes you feel big and like you're contributing something somehow when you're too chickenshit and selfish to do anything real. Being a keyboard warrior is easy. Maybe you've made some spare change donations, maybe but sure as hell you haven't sacrificed a damn thing for it.
    Vitriol against Nazis is warranted. Zionism and Zionists need to be fucking hated, you know, because they are doing a genocide, and the shit they did in 1948.

    You condemn the holocaust genocide against European Jews, but deny the one started in 1948 which aggressors and victims live stream to you in 2024.

    If people like me make you support Israel, then go ahead and do it. It's fucking weird that your moral compass is amenable to one of millions of people online who highlight injustice, but okay. Not that I believe you, btw. Your bigoted views are entirely independent of my existence.

    Quote Originally Posted by LittleFuzzy View Post
    Just your cognitive dissonance at work, protecting your ego from anything that might cause you even mild discomfort.
    Mate, you are the one with cognitive dissonance. It's tiring talking to an atrocity propagandist.

    All you have done is spewed emotional bullshit of plagues on everyone's houses, without actually evaluating the facts and discerning the propaganda. Instead, you further it.

    Let's see who is the one with cognitive dissonance.

    The NYT let a former Israeli soldier and intelligence analyst, Anat Schwartz, without any prior reporting experience author the 'Screams Without Words' article.

    The Wiki article shows how nepotism was involved with her writing this article that provided cover for Zionist genocide.

    There's plenty of information online of how this was a massive scandal for the NYT because it will full of Zionist lies and hasbara.

    Family of key case in New York Times October 7 sexual violence report renounces story, says reporters manipulated them

    A New York Times story claiming a pattern of gender-based violence on October 7 hinged on the story of Gal Abdush. But the Abdush family says there is no proof she was raped, and that Times reporters interviewed them under false pretenses.
    Plenty of articles online deconstructing the copious amount of lies about these mass rape claims. This is a decent one.

    Washington Post :
    Journalism professors call on New York Times to review Oct. 7 report

    A major investigative report into sexual violence in the Hamas attack on Israel has drawn criticism inside and outside the newspaper

    More than 50 tenured journalism professors from top universities have signed a letter calling on the New York Times to address questions about a major investigative report that described a ?pattern of gender-based violence? in the Oct. 7 Hamas attacks on Israel.

    The letter follows months of criticism and concerns raised by outside critics as well as some Times staffers about the credibility of its sourcing and the editorial process for the story.

    The pathetic UN report

    Here is what Pramila Patten said when questioned about it, admitting that the report is not an investigation and that it contains unfounded and dubious testimonies..

    ?Hamas filmed everything on GoPros to showcase their sick acts and terrorise Israelis? and ?it was a day of widespread gang rape and sexual abuse? but ?there is no video evidence of any of this? nor any forensic evidence, nor anyone who claims they were raped, is an interesting collection of arguments that Israel holds

    But you still somehow hold it to be true.

    I mean sure, it's war and some sick fuckers might rape. But to suggest that highly trained Hamas militants who had a mission to capture hostages (a war crime) to exchange for their own people in Israeli prisons, went around to pull their dick out when they were engaged in fierce gun battles is an outrageous claim that no one in their right mind believes.

    On the other hand.

    Not to mention Mr. Shitrit, or his merry band of fuckwits did and are proud of.

    It's actually sick how and why they came up with this rape atrocity propaganda. The pollster Frank Luntz did focus groups to understand what would engage people the most.

    Max Blumenthal: Leaked Israel lobby presentation urges US officials to justify war on Gaza with ?Hamas rape? claims

    The Grayzone has obtained slides from a confidential Israel lobby presentation based on data from Republican pollster Frank Luntz. They contain talking points for politicians and public figures seeking to justify Israel?s assault on the Gaza Strip.
    Two prominent pro-Israel lobby groups are holding private briefings in New York City to coach elected officials and well-known figures on how to influence public opinion in favor of the Israeli military?s rampage in Gaza, The Grayzone can reveal. These PR sessions, convened by the UJA-Federation and Jewish Community Relations Council, rely on data collected by Frank Luntz, a veteran Republican pollster and pundit.

    A source who was present during several meetings provided Luntz?s slides to The Grayzone. Participants were informed that the presentations and data contained in the slides were strictly confidential, the source said.

    ?This is NOT helpful,? Luntz stated in response to an email from The Grayzone requesting his comment on the private meetings.

    The Luntz-tested presentations on the war in Gaza urge politicians to avoid trumpeting America?s supposedly shared democratic values with Israel, and focus instead on deploying ?The Language of War with Hamas.? According to this framing, they must deploy incendiary language painting Hamas as a ?brutal and savage?organization of hate? which has ?raped women,? while insisting Israel is engaged in ?a war for humanity.?

    On his personal website, Luntz markets himself as ?one of the most honored communications professionals in America today.? He has earned a small fortune crafting talking points for Republican Party heavyweights and scandal-stained corporate clients like Enron, the energy company which collapsed after engineering California?s energy crisis. Following the financial crash of 2008-09, Luntz advised the GOP on shielding the party?s big business donors from scrutiny. At around the same time, he furnished the Republican Governor?s Association with advice on undermining Occupy Wall Street, the movement demanding accountability for the banking industry?s malfeasance.

    The celebrity GOP pollster has moonlighted as a consultant for the Israel lobby, producing a ?Global Language Dictionary? for the now-defunct Israel Project in the aftermath of the brutal 2008-09 attack on Gaza known as Operation Cast Lead. In his propaganda handbook, Luntz counseled ?leaders who are on the front lines of fighting the media war for Israel? to shy from debates related to the illegal occupation of Palestine.

    ?Avoid talking about borders in terms of pre- or post-1967,? he advised, ?because it only serves to remind Americans of Israel?s military history. Particularly on the left, this does you harm.?

    Luntz?s Gaza war presentation puts his poll-tested tactics back in the Israel lobby?s hands, urging pro-Israel public figures to stay on the attack with incendiary language and shocking allegations against their enemies.

    In one focus group, Luntz asked participants to state which alleged act by Hamas on October 7 ?bothers you more.? After being presented with a laundry list of alleged atrocities, a majority declared that they were most upset by the claim that Hamas ?raped civilians? ? 19 percent more than those who expressed outrage that Hamas supposedly ?exterminated civilians.?

    Data like this apparently influenced the Israeli government to launch an obsessive but still unsuccessful campaign to prove that Hamas carried out sexual assault on a systematic basis on October 7. Initiated at Israel?s United Nations mission in December 2023 with speeches by neoliberal tech oligarch Sheryl Sandberg and former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, a recipient of hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations and speaking fees from Israel lobby organizations, Tel Aviv?s propaganda blitz has yet to produce a single self-identified victim of sexual assault by Hamas. A March 5 report by UN Special Representative on Sexual Violence Pramila Patten did not contain one direct testimony of sexual assault on October 7. What?s more, Patten?s team said they found ?no digital evidence specifically depicting acts of sexual violence.?

    To further the demonization of Palestinians, the Luntz-crafted slides advise that ?Israel?s best response is the brainwashed children of Hamas spewing hatred towards Jews (even more than condemning Israelis) with words they don?t know the meaning of and can?t even pronounce.?

    The portrayal of the youth of Gaza as ignorant tools of Hamas is clearly intended to deflect from Israel?s industrial-scale slaughter of some 15,000 children in the Gaza Strip since October 7, as well as the wounding, orphaning and starving of countless more in the besieged territory.
    ...... article goes on.

    Does this knowledge make any difference to you?

    Can you admit the rape allegations are lies?

    Quote Originally Posted by LittleFuzzy View Post
    Hamas got the result they wanted. Israel's brutal atrocity-prone response is guaranteeing another two generations that will happily embrace violence against Israel and support for those that offer it. Everyone who has ever studied insurgencies recognized that playbook. What's really scary is that Israel's leadership seems to be deliberately courting that result too and that it may be for the same reason. The efforts to broaden the war certainly point in that direction. And it means sick fucks like you are getting getting exactly what you want because you'd never have any chance of seeing your goals met if the two sides could find peace. Even worse for you, you wouldn't have the opportunity to vent your spleen and pretend that it somehow signals virtue.
    They did indeed. Hamas knew Israel's nature very well and goaded it out for the world to see. But you see, Hamas is responsible for what it did, and Israel is response for what it has done.

    Israel is like a wife beater who beats the shit out of his wife and then says to her "look what you made me do".

    Personally, the only acceptable solution I find appealing is a single state for all the people who live between the river and the sea.

    Last edited by BluntHorse; 10-24-2024 at 04:08 AM.

  2. #1802
    Quote Originally Posted by BluntHorse View Post
    Vitriol against Nazis is warranted.
    Failing to toe your line doesn't make someone a Nazi, not that you care. Anyone who isn't in lock-step with you gets the same treatment, which is how you drive people off and push them into adopt positions which offer less personal threat. And I wasn't speaking of myself. I formed those views well before you were posting here. Not before you posting at AT, I suppose, but the current stance got adopted in the interim without any influence from you regardless

    All you have done is spewed emotional bullshit of plagues on everyone's houses,
    The fact that it stirs emotion in you doesn't make my stance an emotional one. You never struck me as someone good at seeing anything without reference to your own head but it remains true.

    Instead, you further it.
    Neither side is going to stop. Neither side wants to and they've chosen to subject multiple further generations to this. You already acknowledged that yourself. Fine, let them stew in that environment.

    I mean sure, it's war and some sick fuckers might rape. But to suggest that highly trained Hamas militants who had a mission to capture hostages (a war crime) to exchange for their own people in Israeli prisons, went around to pull their dick out when they were engaged in fierce gun battles is an outrageous claim that no one in their right mind believes.
    I don't know where you got the idea that I do anything but ignore any source you provide. Paying attention is for people who actually want to have a discussion. You don't have that kind of legitimacy. Also curious why you think I wasn't also talking about those hostages.

    But you see, Hamas is responsible for what it did,
    Except you've already said they weren't, and with exactly that rationalization
    Last night as I lay in bed, looking up at the stars, I thought, “Where the hell is my ceiling?"

  3. #1803
    Your disregard of evidence is the reason you are the way you are and form the basis of your sad opinions. Believe whatever you want.

    For the rest of us, the genocide continues. Zionist forces are killing everything that moves in North Gaza, and encouraging people to flee, for settlement by the Nazi grandmother. Just like their grandparents did in 1948.

    Times of Israel: Gaza video shows apparent airstrike hitting group of men trying to help wounded boy

    ‘Apparant airstrike’. And failure to identify who did the air strike. Was it Hamas? Anyway, at least they reported it. Not much of the media did.
    Last edited by BluntHorse; 10-27-2024 at 01:56 AM.

  4. #1804
    Recommended reading, from CNN:

    These practices have been extensively documented over the years, and there's no reason to hold off on imposing sanctions against these war criminals.
    "One day, we shall die. All the other days, we shall live."

  5. #1805
    Those notorious leftists on the FT's editorial board now openly calling for an arms embargo:

    The scenes in northern Gaza over the past week have been horrific. Scores have been killed in the days since Sinwar’s death — the toll from Israel’s onslaught is nearing 43,000 people, according to Palestinian officials. Thousands have been forced from their homes. Even the US took the unprecedented step of warning Israel it would suspend arms sales if it did not do more to ease the unfolding humanitarian catastrophe. Israel has also intensified its assault on Hizbollah, wreaking havoc in Lebanon as its bombs flatten buildings — including non-military targets — while its forces push on with an invasion in the south.

    Netanyahu is also preparing his retaliation for Iran’s missile attack on Israel three weeks ago. The region will then wait anxiously for the next round of escalation. Hizbollah, meanwhile, weakened by the killing of its leader Hassan Nasrallah, continues to fire missiles into the Jewish state.

    Israel, it seems, is locked in endless wars on multiple fronts. The suspicion is that Netanyahu has bet that with the Biden administration focused on the US election, he has a window to strike hard against Israel’s foes and ignore international pressure for a ceasefire in Gaza or with Hizbollah. He is likely to be calculating that a victory for Donald Trump, who during his first term gifted Netanyahu a number of pro-Israeli policies, would give him even greater licence to strike against Israel’s foes and the Palestinians.

    Yet the Biden administration seems to be dancing to Netanyahu’s tune: despite calling for a ceasefire in Lebanon one minute, it supports Israel’s goal of degrading Hizbollah the next. None of this serves the stability of the Middle East — or Israel’s long-term security interests. Hamas and Hizbollah can be decapitated and devastated but will not disappear. Many Hamas fighters are believed to be orphans of previous conflicts as cycles of violence breed new generations of militants. When one leader is killed, another takes over. When a group’s military capacity is debilitated, it reverts to guerrilla tactics.

    Military history — including Israel’s past experiences in Lebanon — is littered with the follies of mission creep; of technically superior occupying armies becoming bogged down by insurgencies, often with radical forces filling the void when they depart.

    US President Joe Biden must end the year-long cycle of death and destruction. The threat of a full-blown Middle East war grows by the day. It is in the west’s — and the region’s — interest to pressure Netanyahu to take the diplomatic off-ramps that are available. An all-out regional conflict risks drawing American forces into conflict with Iran and its proxies. It would put the Gulf’s oil infrastructure at risk, threaten more disruption to shipping through vital trade routes and fuel more extremism.

    Biden has the tools to rein in Netanyahu. He must halt the offensive arms sales to Israel that enable its relentless bombing of Gaza and Lebanon. He can do so without breaking Washington’s commitment to Israel’s defence, including providing air-defence systems. But Biden’s message should be clear: the bombing must stop and the day after must begin. If not, the devastation and suffering in the Middle East will come back to haunt the west.
    Pariah ass state.
    "One day, we shall die. All the other days, we shall live."

  6. #1806
    Even the Nazis were ashamed of what they did and desperately tried to destroy the evidence when they knew they had lost and the allies were coming.

    But Zionists are proud to share evidence of their depravity.

    Every single thing Zionists have ever (falsely) accused others of, they actually do it and document it for us all to see.

    No idea how to embed tweets. See photo of a Zionist D9 bulldozer decorated with toys of kids who lived in the houses they destroyed. No idea what they did to the kids. Perhaps amongst the 15,000 known dead.

  7. #1807
    "One day, we shall die. All the other days, we shall live."

  8. #1808

    He just wanted to go to Gaza and take revenge. Kill every woman and child and everyone who he saw.

    Is that too much to ask for without being killed himself?

    His squad even said he was the most cheerful guy on the team and burned a building down (without authorisation) to raise the mood.

    If you don’t mourn him like his brother, perhaps you too are a ZioNut.

  9. #1809
    Quote Originally Posted by Dreadnaught View Post

    I think I will donate $10 in your name to the Friends of the IDF for each of your false genocide accusations.
    How much did you donate?

  10. #1810
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    You got to love the subtle racism of Arabs never being able to learn a lesson of actually living together with previous enemies combined with the denial of 80 years of war being a bit of a burden on the Israeli people.

    I for one think it was a good decision of Israel to stop cooperation with UNWRA. Which not just is compromised by the way it has to cooperate with terrorist organisations but also just is a way of not dealing with the reality that Israel is a fact and there is a point where you no longer can pass your refugee status down any longer.

    The so-called pro-Palestine lobby may as well stop talking about the gazillions dying in Gaza because I literally don't give a flying fuck as the dying is the result of giving a hiding place to a terrorist organisation set on the destruction of Israel and its people. I'm disgusted also by the white and brown thrash that is making Jews everywhere wonder if they are still safe in their own communities, schools and even houses.
    Congratulations America

  11. #1811
    Quote Originally Posted by Hazir View Post
    You got to love the subtle racism of Arabs never being able to learn a lesson of actually living together with previous enemies combined with the denial of 80 years of war being a bit of a burden on the Israeli people.

    I for one think it was a good decision of Israel to stop cooperation with UNWRA. Which not just is compromised by the way it has to cooperate with terrorist organisations but also just is a way of not dealing with the reality that Israel is a fact and there is a point where you no longer can pass your refugee status down any longer.

    The so-called pro-Palestine lobby may as well stop talking about the gazillions dying in Gaza because I literally don't give a flying fuck as the dying is the result of giving a hiding place to a terrorist organisation set on the destruction of Israel and its people. I'm disgusted also by the white and brown thrash that is making Jews everywhere wonder if they are still safe in their own communities, schools and even houses.
    Wow, so much trauma.

    Show us on the doll where the bad Arabs touched you.
    Oh come on with the "genocide" rhetoric.

  12. #1812
    Moody's downgrades Israel's credit rating from A2 to Baa1, to lowest rating ever

    Moody announced on Friday that it was downgrading Israel's credit rating from A2 to Baa1 with a negative outlook.

    This is the second time they had downgraded Israel's credit rating during the war, with the previous time being in February when it was downgraded from A1 to A2.

    Moody's cited its view that the geopolitical risk "has intensified significantly further, to very high levels with material negative consequences for Israel's creditworthiness in both the near and longer term," as the key driver of the downgrade. The company also touched on domestic political risk as a factor.
    But who needs credit when you can infinitely leech of US public finances?

    More than 100 BBC staff accuse broadcaster of Israel bias in Gaza coverage

    Exclusive: More than 230 media industry professionals sign letter sent to BBC director general Tim Davie

    More than 100 BBC employees are accusing the corporation of providing favourable coverage toward Israel and are calling on the broadcaster to “recommit to fairness, accuracy, and impartiality” over its reporting on Gaza.

    In a letter sent to Tim Davie, signed by more than 230 members of the media industry, including 101 anonymous BBC staff, the corporation is criticised for failing its own editorial standards by lacking “consistently fair and accurate evidence-based journalism in its coverage of Gaza”.

    Seen exclusively by The Independent, the letter, which has also been signed by Sayeeda Warsi and the actor Juliet Stevenson, calls on the BBC to report “without fear or favour” and to “recommit to the highest editorial standards – with emphasis on fairness, accuracy, and due impartiality”.

    The letter also calls on the broadcaster to implement a series of editorial commitments including “reiterating that Israel does not give external journalists access to Gaza; making it clear when there is insufficient evidence to back up Israeli claims; making clear where Israel is the perpetrator in article headlines; including regular historical context predating October 2023; and robustly challenging Israeli government and military representatives in all interviews”.

    The BBC has denied these claims, insisting it “strives to live up to our responsibility to deliver the most trusted and impartial news”.

    So much Hamas in BBC.

    Israel's genocide forces are pooping their diapers that someone is tracking them via an account called 'Israel Genocide Tracker'.

    Like Ofek Tavor from the 444 mobility unit. After doing his genocide duty, went for a music festival in Europe and then decided to expose himself in a church in Romania.

    Or Microsoft engineer Yakir Ben-Elisha, who served as a sniper in Gaza.

    Kind of reminds me of 'Canary Mission', but for actual terrorist dipshits. Oy vey.

    And finally, a ZioNut story to amuse the the fascists.

    Palestine Action take sculptures of Israel's first president, Chaim Weizmann, from the University of Manchester.

    Weizmann secured the Balfour Declaration, a British pledge written 107 years ago today, which began the ethnic cleansing of Palestine by signing the land away.

    Weizmann described the indigenous Palestinian population as "the rocks of Judea, obstacles that had to be cleared on a difficult path".

    From the Balfour Declaration to today, Britain remains an active participant in the colonisation, genocide and occupation of Palestine.
    Oh come on with the "genocide" rhetoric.

  13. #1813
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    Given the state of affairs, too many Palestinian terrorists are still alive.
    Congratulations America

  14. #1814
    Middle East's only democracy, vibrant & rambunctious edition:
    "One day, we shall die. All the other days, we shall live."

  15. #1815
    Quote Originally Posted by Hazir View Post
    Given the state of affairs, too many Palestinian terrorists are still alive.
    Is it just Arabs and their kids who deserve to be murdered and raped or any population that largely doesn?t approve of your lifestyle choice?
    Oh come on with the "genocide" rhetoric.

  16. #1816
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    Quote Originally Posted by BluntHorse View Post
    Is it just Arabs and their kids who deserve to be murdered and raped or any population that largely doesn?t approve of your lifestyle choice?
    What makes you think I am limiting this to the Arabs supporting the genocide of Jews? I'm equal opportunity when it comes to their western fellow travellers. Not certain why you include raping people. That seems to be more of a hobby of your side. A year ago they were quite proud of their crimes against humanity.
    Congratulations America

  17. #1817
    Quote Originally Posted by Aimless View Post
    On the contrary. When a decrepit numpty actively supports genocidal violence against thousands of innocent children just because young people won't give him the unearned respect he feels he's owed, that calls for extensive and sustained commentary. Bigots with victim complexes always want hall passes for their repugnant behavior. Oh woe is me! Those wretched youngsters are making me feel unwelcome just because I support genocide! Sorry mate, but if you must engage in loser shit?and, really, you don't have to?you'll also have to get used to feeling increasingly isolated in this world. As I said earlier, there are better ways to cope with waning dignity, and I urge you to try those instead of reveling in the murder of innocents (grade A weirdo behavior).
    He really is a freak.
    Oh come on with the "genocide" rhetoric.

  18. #1818
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    Quote Originally Posted by BluntHorse View Post
    He really is a freak.
    You really think that's an argument of any kind? Like people should be stupid enough to fall for your genocide rhetoric so that they forget about the actual genocide your side is planning?
    Congratulations America

  19. #1819
    Quote Originally Posted by Hazir View Post
    You really think that's an argument of any kind? Like people should be stupid enough to fall for your genocide rhetoric so that they forget about the actual genocide your side is planning?
    Oy vey. How could I have been so stupid. The real genocide is against the Jews.

    You should do something to help.

    Have you considered joining the IDF semen retrieval squad? I heard that sort of thing is right up your street.
    Oh come on with the "genocide" rhetoric.

  20. #1820
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    Quote Originally Posted by BluntHorse View Post
    Oy vey. How could I have been so stupid. The real genocide is against the Jews.

    You should do something to help.

    Have you considered joining the IDF semen retrieval squad? I heard that sort of thing is right up your street.
    It's clear enough what your ilk wants. Nobody is fooled by your abuse of words or repetition of pictures of so-called innocent victims.
    Congratulations America

  21. #1821
    WaPo also reporting on the world's most moral army using Palestinian civilians as human shields:

    These units and the individual soldiers can all be identified and hit with sanctions pending prosecution. And so they must.
    "One day, we shall die. All the other days, we shall live."

  22. #1822
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aimless View Post
    WaPo also reporting on the world's most moral army using Palestinian civilians as human shields:

    These units and the individual soldiers can all be identified and hit with sanctions pending prosecution. And so they must.
    The one upside of a Trump win today of course would be more support for Israel.
    Congratulations America

  23. #1823
    Quote Originally Posted by Aimless View Post
    These units and the individual soldiers can all be identified and hit with sanctions pending prosecution. And so they must.
    Do you think anyone will? This war on Palestinians has shown that Israel considers itself above the law, and most of the ?civilised? world agrees.
    Oh come on with the "genocide" rhetoric.

  24. #1824
    When Trump is in office I wonder if those folks student Visas who chanted Hamas and Hezbollah support also get deported? One can hope!

    Particularly section 7 seems applicable.

    B) Terrorist activities
    (i) In general
    Any alien who?
    (I) has engaged in a terrorist activity;
    (II) a consular officer, the Attorney General, or the Secretary of Homeland Security knows, or has reasonable ground to believe, is engaged in or is likely to engage after entry in any terrorist activity (as defined in clause (iv));
    (III) has, under circumstances indicating an intention to cause death or serious bodily harm, incited terrorist activity;
    (IV) is a representative (as defined in clause (v)) of?
    (aa) a terrorist organization (as defined in clause (vi)); or
    (bb) a political, social, or other group that endorses or espouses terrorist activity;

    (V) is a member of a terrorist organization described in subclause (I) or (II) of clause (vi);
    (VI) is a member of a terrorist organization described in clause (vi)(III), unless the alien can demonstrate by clear and convincing evidence that the alien did not know, and should not reasonably have known, that the organization was a terrorist organization;
    (VII) endorses or espouses terrorist activity or persuades others to endorse or espouse terrorist activity or support a terrorist organization;
    (VIII) has received military-type training (as defined in section 2339D(c)(1) of title 18) from or on behalf of any organization that, at the time the training was received, was a terrorist organization (as defined in clause (vi)); or
    (IX) is the spouse or child of an alien who is inadmissible under this subparagraph, if the activity causing the alien to be found inadmissible occurred within the last 5 years,

    is inadmissible. An alien who is an officer, official, representative, or spokesman of the Palestine Liberation Organization is considered, for purposes of this chapter, to be engaged in a terrorist activity.

  25. #1825
    Quote Originally Posted by Hazir View Post
    The one upside of a Trump win today of course would be more support for Israel.
    It is not possible to support Israel any more than the USA has been doing under the past few administrations. This election makes no difference. Tump will just drop the hand wringing charade while providing weapons and money.

    Did you help preserve the sperm of the real victims of the 'actual genocide' that 'my side' is planning in Amsterdam last night? I hear it's easier to extract sperm when they are alive, so you better get busy.

    Oh come on with the "genocide" rhetoric.

  26. #1826
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    Quote Originally Posted by BluntHorse View Post
    It is not possible to support Israel any more than the USA has been doing under the past few administrations. This election makes no difference. Tump will just drop the hand wringing charade while providing weapons and money.

    Did you help preserve the sperm of the real victims of the 'actual genocide' that 'my side' is planning in Amsterdam last night? I hear it's easier to extract sperm when they are alive, so you better get busy.

    I see we have descended to non-moderation? What?s this failed abortion about?
    Congratulations America

  27. #1827
    French officials detained on French property by very normal people in East Jerusalem:
    "One day, we shall die. All the other days, we shall live."

  28. #1828
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    You spend a lot of time looking for proof that fits your antisemitism.
    Congratulations America

  29. #1829
    Nearly 70% of verified Gaza war dead women and children:
    "One day, we shall die. All the other days, we shall live."

  30. #1830
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aimless View Post
    Nearly 70% of verified Gaza war dead women and children:
    Yeah we know that with every propaganda picture released by Hamas you see your daughter, but it?s getting more than a little bit tedious. Hardly anyone gives a fuck about Palestinians and your hysterical serial posting isn?t going to change that.
    Congratulations America

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