Quote Originally Posted by Ominous Gamer View Post
Watching the America First Trump supporters trying to wrap their head around on how to support this has been god damn popcorn worthy. Yesterday it was all false flags and shit, to the point that even Lewk tried that shit on these boards. The backwater subreddits are still infighting over it. Paranoia about paid shills coming from both sides of the argument. Even /r/the_donald/ are posting Trump's own tweets against action in Syria.
Eh? There are always possibilities and in the first 24-48 hours a lot of things will be theorized. If you were Assad and your goal was to remain in power - would you use chemical weapons like this? Especially when it seems like it would obviously backfire. Dictators can of course be stupid, their military can be stupid and people aren't always fully rational about things.

Syria is a mess - I'm in support of drawing clear lines and then fully enforcing them. If chemical weapons is a line we draw than we continue to escalate force response until it deters that behavior.