I don't know Rand, that seems the path to eating disorders....eating shouldn't be a negative. I don't think there's a problem with telling them "This is what we're eating" but I've never understood people who force their kids to eat every morsel on their plate. What if the kid is full before then? (I'm okay with no dessert and such, it's just the EAT EVERYTHING ON YOUR PLATE that always worries me)

In my parents' house the rule was "at least try it". If we absolutely hated it, then no worries, just eat everything else we liked. I can't imagine if my mom had forced me to eat nasty spinach....

Also, Scarlett isn't even two yet guys....as long as she eats a variety throughout the week who cares if she eats only meat one meal and veggies another? Toddlers take awhile to get the whole "Variety" concept

EDIT: How did you do that OG? Pierce the dogs with uncooked spaghetti and then boil it all? It's kinda cute, especially if it got the older kids involved in helping