Of course they're irrelevant. Unless you intend to lockdown forever, in which case argue for that, the only excuse for a lockdown is an immediate peril of deaths and the collapse of healthcare.

This is a problem with lockdown, I'm starting to think in hindsight that the Swedish government had this right in principle. People have so moved the Overton window that taking away people's freedoms is now considered acceptable even without the risk of imminent death or collapse of healthcare.

My apologies that I hurt your feelings with the terminology. If people wish to hide away from a virus they're immunised against then they can voluntarily shelter at home or whatever else you want to call it instead. Though when you're wanting to mandate people must stay at home or have other restrictions BY LAW even post vaccines then I think you're the asshole and I stand by the word cower.

If you're so terrified of the long term impacts of a virus whose vaccine program has been completed that you're willing to take away indefinitely people's human right then what exactly in your eyes is the end of this? What is your exit plan to get out of lockdown? Or do we cower/shelter at home indefinitely?