Quote Originally Posted by Lewkowski View Post
....People always get incredibly bent out of shape when an innocent person is accused however shoplifting is a massive problem. People have DIED because of shoplifting incidents....
Like shooting a homeless man for stealing toothpaste?

....people who shoplift are filthy parasites that bring society down....
My sister stole some nail polish and panty hose when she was a teenager, with more than enough cash in her purse to pay for it. The store's security guard called the police and our parents, and the situation was "resolved" in the manager's office: no official charges, no police record. She was allowed to pay for the items and go home, with a severe scolding and a promise from our parents that she'd be "grounded" for a month or something.

Sure, shoplifting is a problem for all retailers, but not all shoplifters or "product loss" are treated equally. In my sister's case, she was a cute white girl from the suburbs, with parents that could drop everything and rush to the store. If she'd been black or brown, with parents that couldn't be reached or couldn't leave work, it would have ended differently. That was over 40 years ago, but not much has changed. Hello?