Didn't you post this back in September when it was first published? This is a woman with a lifelong history of psychiatric illness and trauma. She should've been sentenced to psychiatric care but was at least compelled to go complete a drug-rehab programme. I disagree, but I don't how enough about the case to have a well-founded opinion. She lost the right to have unsupervised visits with her children. She was given a suspended sentence, which means any further criminal offenses of any kind will see her in jail. While what she did was abominable, it was less abominable than many other examples of child abuse, and, so far as the court was able to ascertain, not sustained over time. You had two wife-beaters in prominent positions at your White House--and have elected a man almost certainly guilty of multiple sexual assaults as your president--and you want to talk about Australia being soft on crime? Gimme a break.